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'Love Our World'

Holiday Program Series Pt.1

Welcome to our brand-new Holiday Series! We have been working hard behind the scenes creating a very intentional and wholesome experience for our lovely families. We are excited to announce our first release this Spring called ‘Love Our World’ at Thornton.


‘Love Our World’ is all about BEING the change you wish to see in the world.


Over 3 days your child will be inspired through education with our special guest – Hollie Newman from 'The School of Earth Australia', they will also be engaged with practical workshops and DIY activities, Mindfulness Yoga, Gymnastics, Gardening and so much more! Your child will truly explore and learn how they can sustainably build a healthy tomorrow.


Program will be running from 27th Sep - 29th Sep. Book Now, Spots are Limited!

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You will meet our lovely guest, Hollie Newman! She is an environmental scientist who is incredibly passionate about teaching children about our remarkable planet. The School of Earth Australia supports children in advancing their scientific knowledge and implementing sustainable practices through practical workshops to provide them the tools and motivation to create impactful change.

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It’s Gardening Day! So much to learn on our gardening day from planting a seed, how to take care of your baby flower to, creating a pot for it to live in to, making our very own DIY watering can! And of course all the other good stuff in there too, like, Gymnastics!



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The G21 swap ‘n’ shop is here! For every pre-loved item your child brings, they get a ticket. We will then lay out all the items in our ‘shop’ and the children can use their tickets to purchase a new pre-loved item. The more items the more tickets they can use. Also, a great excuse to finally get that wardrobe clean! Recycling and re-using at it’s finest!



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